Like everyone else we’ve been quarantined and bored, so we bake! Somehow that turned into Baking Week here at MBS. We actually used up all the flour and sugar and had to go out and hunt some down. I’ll confess, I’m not really much of a baker but my mom and GG crush it. What little I know comes from those two amazing women.
Why did I “cheat” making pie?
Sometimes it’s okay to cheat a little. I envy those people who can make perfect pie dough from scratch. I confess I’ve never even tried. It’s just easier to buy the frozen crust. I know it’s not the same, GG makes hers from scratch and you can totally tell the difference. My Cheaters Apple Pie isn’t anywhere near as good as full on homemade, but it does satisfy the craving (and makes a mean Apple Pie Milkshake!)
This Week’s Shenanigans
For Baking Week I pulled out two recipes that my mom has been making for years. There was always a pan of Texas Chocolate Brownies in the freezer. They were cut into perfect bite sized pieces, and easy to sneak! Everyone has a great banana bread recipe. If you don’t, I modified my moms a little and shared it, enjoy!
Steve gets all the credit for the Apple Pie Milkshake. He’s not always one for sweets, but I think there was too much pie around while I was baking and testing and taking pictures! Brandy is something that we didn’t have in the house growing up, so I never think of it. Now that I’m in Wisconsin though, we always have Brandy around!
We hope this week helps satisfy your sweet tooth!
Natalie & Steve
Maple Bacon Something
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