This Week
We focused on the great Summer Vegetables we can get in the midwest this week. We’re using what Steve has grown here, his mom has extra of or we’ve been able to source at the local farm. From sweet corn, to zucchini to cucumber, it’s the time of year to put summer on your plate.

Cucumbers can grow like weeds, and finding something to do with them before they go bad can be a challenge. We “juiced” a couple and made a fun Cucumber Gin Gimlet. It’s summer in your glass.

What’s your Summer Vegetable?
We’d love to know what your favorite summer vegetable is? Are you waiting for corn on the cob, tomatoes or all the fresh herbs that make your recipes pop? We’d love to hear about. Drop us a comment below or tag us on social media using #maplebaconsomething
Natalie & Steve
Maple Bacon Something
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